Is it Time For a Tech Audit?

How reliable is the technology that your organization or business relies on each day? If you’re unsure, it might be time to conduct a tech audit. A tech audit can ensure that your systems function exactly as they should, and that the data stored is protected from cyberattacks which could expose sensitive information.

A tech audit is a thorough review of the IT infrastructure and policies of a company. It can help identify possible security threats and help identify ways to improve internal security. It is a vital part of any cybersecurity plan and can be used to meet regulatory or certification requirements.

To conduct a technology audit the group of professionals who have the required qualifications should first prepare a strategy that outlines the scope, timing and other specifics. The plan should also outline how the findings from the audit will be utilized, and how any enhancements can be incorporated into everyday business processes.

It’s important that the final report, when the audit is completed It is concise and clear. The report should be accessible to non-technical stakeholders and include an overview of the findings, as well as a plan of action to address any issues that are identified. It is crucial to not only consider the technical auditing techniques but also the ethical and moral implications.

A QIMA technical audit can be customized to your specific industry or product and our experts will be able to review the factory’s manufacturing standards and providing a risk score for your supplier’s capabilities. This ensures that the factory is in a position to meet your needs, whether those are determined by availability, security or the integrity.

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