A-Book Brokers VS B-Book Brokers

The problem is that since the broker is doing the opposite of their client’s trades, they have to bear the risk of being on the losing side of the trade. Now… just because B-Book brokers make a profit when their clients lose doesn’t necessarily mean they WANT their clients to lose. And if all you do is keep losing, the broker is slowly taking more and more money than you originally deposited into your trading account.

book broker

It’s hard to make a lot of money and with margins so tight, it’s not surprising why brokers running a B-Book as an additional source of revenue. When the retail forex broker takes the opposite of a customer’s trade, it can choose to ACCEPT the market risk or TRANSFER it to another market participant. At the end of the day, we will do whatever we can to make it the best it can https://www.xcritical.com/ be, but authors need to bear with us. I’ve struggled with authors who sign with us and then are surprised that we request another two or three rounds of editorial revisions, even when we make our editorial thoughts clear upfront. I think a lot of authors believe that finding an agent is the golden ticket to publication and that they’ll find a publisher within a few weeks.


If you make money, the broker loses money, and vice versa. We are professional editors as well as award-winning writers. We understand the intense effort and emotional investment you have poured into your work. It’s our job to help you take your manuscript to the next level. The broker ‘bets against you’ and matches the other side of the trade themselves.

book broker

If you think of a B-Book broker like a casino, it doesnt want a customer that trades so big that any individual bet exposes the broker to so much market risk that it could cause it to “go bust” or “take the house down”. About 7489% of retail accounts lose money when trading forex. That said, the B-Book model is considered challenging in terms of risk management. Especially, if you have lots of customers who open positions in the same direction and trade profitably.

Book Broker—an interview with Rachel Altemose

If you think of a B-Book broker like a casino, it doesn’t want a customer that trades so big that any individual bet exposes the broker to so much market risk that it could cause it to “go bust” or “take the house down”. This allows the broker to pocket the spread on both sides without taking on any market risk because positions are netted out. Between 74-89% of retail accounts lose money when https://www.xcritical.com/blog/a-book-vs-b-book-brokers-in-forex-trading/ trading forex. I am a very editorial agent, so I will go through as many rounds as necessary to make it a strong contender for submission. The amount varies based on the project and availability of the author. Sometimes, especially for picture books, it can be one or two rounds that take a month or so, but I’ve had literary fiction that’s taken over a year and four or five rounds of revision.

“B2Broker is a liquidity and technology provider for the Crypto and Forex industry. Our clients include brokers, crypto exchanges, crypto brokers, forex brokers, hedge and crypto funds and professional managers”. The profits of the trader are equivalent to the losses of the broker. And since the trade is now hedged, the broker won’t make money if the customer loses anymore.

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We’re also a community of traders that support each other on our daily trading journey. I have so many incredible authors who all do such different and exciting things, but one project that has been in the works for a long time is NO ACUTE DISTRESS by Bria Adimora Godley (Algonquin, 2024). She has one of the most dynamic voices I’ve ever read, and the immediacy of her storytelling is riveting.Read more about Rachel’s publication deals here. As someone who has only been in the field for the past four years, I can’t say I’ve experienced much overhaul in systematic operations when it comes to technology in the industry. However, with recent conversations around AI and ChatGPT, I’m sure my answer to this will change in a matter of months.

book broker

Therefore, the more that you trade, the more they will make. They obviously want your trading account to be active – they don’t care if you are winning or losing, all they want is that your trading volume will be as high. A B book broker is a type of forex broker that operates on a dealer model. This means that the broker takes on the risk of trades made by their clients instead of passing the risk onto a liquidity provider. The broker will typically hedge their risk by taking the opposite position to that of their clients.


As a result, B book brokers are often accused of trading against their clients. And since the trade is now hedged, the broker wont make money if the customer loses anymore. So its revenue is now limited to pocketing the spread (and overnight finance charges if the traders leave their positions open overnight). They don’t work with retail (individual) clients though.

  • All you have to do is sit back, relax…and WAIT for your customers to die, then watch your profits start pouring in.
  • We understand the intense effort and emotional investment you have poured into your work.
  • No, As a STP broker all deals are placed through inter-banking.
  • All you have to do is sit back., relax…and WAIT for your customers to lose, then watch your profits start rolling in.
  • If you think of a B-Book broker like a casino, it doesn’t want a customer that trades so big that any individual bet exposes the broker to so much market risk that it could cause it to “go bust” or “take the house down”.

I was as shocked as you when I first learned how the inner workings of the brokerage industry operate. I have even been told the regulators actually encourage the practice because it results in clients’ trades executing at a better price (due to the order being filled instantly). The quick answer is that no matter what market you trade, you can only access the financial markets through a broker. They connect market participants and give them access to liquidity providers.