Farmville for dummies or a future without fools

In a series of book-breeding books For Dummies, famous for an abundance of simplifications, jokes and the absence of “extra details”, a 288-page volume is released, explaining the rules of the game on the online Farmville farmer simulator. Internet trolls burst with indignation, and the famous game journalist Rob Fahi, skillfully playing the name of the ill-fated book (the English word “dummy” is translated as “a blank” or “fool”, although we prefer a softer formulation-“kettle”), and is taken to prove that casuals, in fact, are anyone – picky customers, legible critics, gamers of the future … but not fools

The volume of "Farmville for dummies", published in the ubiquitous series of "Tealemic" books, you will not hit anyone. It is not surprising that such a book has appeared at all-given the frenzied popularity Farmville Among people who are not even familiar with either video games or their conventions and rules. The blogosphere nevertheless met the book with arrogant snort and indignant howl.

Frankly, I did not see Farmville for dummies and didn’t read it all the same – and I have no idea whether it is full of brilliant tactics and incredible revelations, or if it is just a banal peeling. However, I can argue that all these Internet critics have no idea about her either.

And most importantly, the book itself has nothing to do with it, because they make fun of and scolding not a book, but the game that it is written about, and – which is much more important! – players who spend their time on this game, and often also money.

Logic is obvious. Like, Farmville is a casual game that grew up Facebook Socialist, not worthy of the attention of the "real" player. Such a game, by definition, should be very, almost insultingly simple, and anyone who needs a book also explaining how to play such an unassuming game, without a doubt, a round idiot (although, of course, he is an idiot just because in general Playing Farmville).

So. If it were the opinion of a small pile of forum trolls, it could be ignored. The Internet is the best means of communicating with all that is ever invented by a person, but all of us are too well aware of his side effects: the World Wide Web is very multiplying all kinds of abominations, but at the same time provides idiots, each of whom is able to poison the life of a small village, the possibility Fool in the company of the same fools.

However, the rabies with which Farmville was met for dummies was especially remembered, because this is an expression of some kind of bias that I noticed not only among the players, but also many, many people working in the gaming industry. This is a prejudice growing from two main prejudices. Firstly, that social games, since they exist on web platforms and cannot boast of either graphics or sound, are simple. Secondly, that the main part of their audience is not players, but it, as an inexperienced audience, is easy to satisfy.

Both of these assumptions are infinitely far from the truth. The whole problem is that people, protecting their competence in the eyes of others, try to underestimate the competence of others, saying that they do nothing "such". Ordinary misconception: the less you understand something, the more insignificant and easier it seems to you. Those who have never created successful social games look at Farmville and think: “Yes, I could also be so!" – as well as those who have never made popular shooters, cannot understand what is the difficulty of creating a three -dimensional shooting range.

In fact, popular social games are very multi -levels. It is incredibly difficult to do: it is a vicious circle from endless tests and collections of reviews, and the development of a company inside the “social” company is completely different from production processes in any other “traditional” gaming company. The maximum attention is paid to the most basic elements of the game – interface design and balance. They require completely different skills to work with them than when creating any other games.

Moreover, the depth and complexity of socialists is much greater than the developer (and gamer) from the sector of "traditional" games can expect. I can’t say that I am an outstanding player, but I have played over the past 25 years (although I do not like it when they recall it to me). And what? Last summer, my light flirting with Farmville not only led to the fact that I specifically sat on it, but also forced me to google the details of the set, as it turned out, complex systems that gradually opened during the game.

Farmville may look very cute on the face, but, like all similar games, her chest beats a cold, prudent and masterfully calibrated heart that can challenge all complex combinations of mathematics, game design and psychology standing behind any modern hit – from World of Warcraft And Dungeons & Dragons to Call of Duty And Mario Galaxy.

It cannot be otherwise, because the audience of social and casual games, although not familiar with classic games, will not throw himself at all junior Zynga It will throw them. On the contrary, this audience is very demanding, and to satisfy it is much more difficult than “traditional” players, because the incidents are not tied to games just like hardcores.

If the social game does not immediately pick up the incident on the hook, he will abandon it and do something else. If the game allows him to be distracted, if it cannot properly reward him if it tires with a routine or confuses the interface – the result will be the same. The client is lost and probably never return.

Unlike "traditional" players who are trumpeting on the entire Internet about problems with PS3 versions Call of Duty: Black Ops , CAZALS do not sign petitions and do not shout on the forums. They just stop spending their time and money on the game, which for developers is much worse than a formidable petition from people who almost certainly buy the next part of the series.

Casuals are far from fools from whom they cynically squeeze the money. No matter what many gamers and some developers think, like Customers of the CAZUAL, are extremely picky and selective. Maybe they do not read specialized sites and do not spend many hours, discussing the smallest changes in Farmville's balance sheet on no one’s nothed forums, but they know for sure that they like it, and when they stops like something-they leave it without anything regrets.

In general, the appearance of "Farmville for dummies" causes a grin, but the regulars of social games – in no case are fools. In any case, it was the temptation of the public who forced the developers of social games to very carefully approach quality control and conduct endless tests, while the “traditional” game industry cannot learn this in any way. Moreover, everything that the designers of the “big” games have reached in the last three decades, all these intriguing, exciting worlds … All of them are praised and reduced to the most basic rules and elements of the new wave of social games.

Modern social games are unlikely to appeal to the "serious" players, and this is normal. The variety of socialists proves best: the game industry is growing up. But this does not mean at all that everyone should try Farmville. Do you like the milking of virtual cows or not – neither in either case there is nothing shameful.

Players and developers should not splash out the child along with water, losing something important in an attempt to free themselves from unnecessary. Social games are one of the most difficult sectors of the gaming industry, and it can teach the developers of “big” games a good lesson. Socialists can be borrowed by promotion strategies that will push wide masses to the games or attract hardcores. So the next time you want to pounce on Farmville and its players, think about it: perhaps in something small, but infinitely important they have already touched the future, which everyone else has to comprehend?