Ethereum: Why this ugly looking formula to calculate ‘target’ from ‘nBits’ in block header: target = coefficient * 256**(exponent-3)

Mathematics behind the “target” calculation of Ethereum

Ethereum, a decentralized blockchain platform, uses complex mathematical formulas to calculate its blocks. One of these formulas that has aroused curiosity between developers and users is the `target 'calculation in a blockage. In particular, we are discussing because this particular formula is used and if necessary.

Why the bad formula?

The formulatarget = coefficient256 * (exponent-3)it may seem ugly at first sight, but it serves well for its purpose in calculating the target amount for each block. We break down the components of this formula:

*coefficient ‘: This is a constant value that determines the amount of the base rewarded to miners. It is usually set by the Ethereum team and can vary according to the block number.


(exponent-3): * This part of the formula represents a significant power of 2, which contributes significantly to the overall reward structure.

Although this formula may not be aesthetically pleasant from the design point of view, its purpose is clear: calculate the basic amount rewarded for each block. The exponent (exponent ') determines how many times the power of 2 is multiplied by itself, resulting in an exponentially greater value.

Why isn't it target = coefficient256 (exponent)? *

The alternative formula,target = coefficient256 * (exponent), may seem more intuitive and easier to understand. However, there are several reasons why this formula is preferred:

* Predictability: Using the exponent-3 instead of the exponent, the calculation of the reward becomes more predictable and consistent between different block numbers.

* Consistency: This approach guarantees that miners receive a fixed amount, regardless of their position or network conditions. It also reduces the probability of exploit, since the prizes are standardized.

* Security:

Ethereum: Why this ugly looking formula to calculate 'target' from 'nBits' in block header: target = coefficient * 256**(exponent-3)

The use of a fixed power of 2 (in this case,256) provides an additional level of safety ensuring that the calculation of the reward is deterministic and tampering resistant.


While the formulatarget = coefficient256 * (exponent-3)` at the beginning it may appear unpleasant, plays a vital role in the calculation of the amount of the base rewarded for each block. The use of this specific formula guarantees predictability, consistency and safety, making it an essential component of the structure of Ethereum’s reward. As developers and users continue to explore Ethereum’s complexities, the understanding of these mathematical formulas will become increasingly important to optimize performance and guarantee the regular functioning of the network.