Ethereum: How to get history trades of last 10 days from Bittrex using Bittrex API?

Here’s an article that explains how to programmatically retrieve

Getting Ethereum Hisstory From Bittres API: A Step-by-Step Guide


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Bittrex is a poptocurrence exchange that allows to some, sell, and trade varius cryptocurrencies. One of the key features of the Bittrex API ISS Ability to retrieve histrical market, including trades, for any given period. In this article,



Before Starting, Make the Comment You Hasa:

  • A bittrex account and are logged in.

  • The Bittrex API Credentials (API Key, API Secret, etc.)

  • A programming Language of Your Chice (e.g., Python, JavaScript)

Step 1: Install the Required Libraryes *

For You can install it using pip:


Pip Install Requests


Step 2: Authenicate with Bittrex



import json

Replant Wth Your Actual Api Credential

api_key = 'your_api_key'

api_secret = 'your_api_secret'

headers = {

'X-Apikey': API_KEY,

'x-apisecret': api_secret


query_params = {

'market': 'etth',

set the brand to Ethereum (ETH)

'Limit': 100,

Limit the Nuber of Trades to Retrieve

'datetime': 'yyyy-mm-dthhmmsutc' #specify the start and end dates/time


Step 3: Retrieve History Trades **

Now that you are authenticated with bittrex, you can you the requests library to the best-mock a get to the api. We’ll specify the queery parameters we provided earlier.


Import Requists


url = ' + market '/history'

params = {

'Limit': Limit,

'Datetime_start': Datetime_start,

'Datetime_end': Datetime_end


Response = Requests.get (URL, Headers = Headers, Params = Params)

If response.status_code == 200:

Data = Response.json ()

trades = []

For Trade in Data ['Trades']:

Extract Relevant Fields The Trade Object

Transaction_id = Trade ['Id']

Timestamp = Trade ['Timestamp']

Price = Trade ['Amount']

Amount = Trade ['Quantity']

trades.append ({

'Transaction_id': Transaction_id,

'Timestamp': Timestamp,

'Price': Price,

'amouunt': suspect


Return Trades


Print (F'error: {Response.status_code} ')

Return None

Example Usage

api_key = 'your_api_key'

api_secret = 'your_api_secret'

market = 'eth'

limit = 100

datetime_start = '2023-02-20t00: 00z'

datetime_end = '2023-03-07t00: 00: 00z'

trades = get_history_trades (api_key, api_secret, market, limit, date_start, date_end)

If Trades:

For Trade in Trades:

Print (f'trade ID: {Trade ["Transaction_id"]} ')

Print (F'Timestamp: {Trade ["Timestamp"]} ')

Print (F'Price: $ {Trade ["Price"]} ({Trade [Mount "]} eth)

Print ('---------------------')


Print ('No Hisistorial Trades Found.')

Troubleshooting *


  • Make of the same correct api credentials and ism correctly.
