I will help you write an article on how the proxy Ethereum agreement has storage variables for implementation contracts.
Ethereum proxy contract: understanding of variable storage interactions
In the field of intelligent development of the contract in Ethereum, the proxy contract plays a key role in the execution of functions and interaction with external data stores. One of the key aspects of this interaction is the way in which proxies obtain storage variables from implementation contracts. In this article, we immerse ourselves in the details of this process.
Proxy delegation contract
The proxy contract uses a delegate thumb to fulfill functions in the name of its owner. This approach allows proxy interaction with other intelligent contracts and data warehouses without relying on direct access. When the proxy causes a function on another contract with the help of delegates, it essentially transfers the performance of this function to the target agreement.
Storage variables in implementation contracts
In an implementation agreement based on Ethereum (ICS), the memory variables are used to store data to which you can access in other contracts or intelligent functions during their performance cycle. These variables are generally implemented as permanent or variable in CI and are stored on a chain, which means that they exist directly in the Ethereum blockchain.
Variable storage interactions of the proxy
Now let’s see how the proxy contract obtains variable storage of the implementation contract. When the proxy causes a function on another contract using a delegate, it may require access to variable memory defined in this implementation agreement. Here, the situation becomes interesting:
- Variables DelegateCall and Storage : When the proxy fulfills a function on another contract, it receives a delegatecall object as input. This delegatecall object contains information on the target function, including its memory address, return address and other details.
- Access storage variables : To access the variable memory defined in the implementation contract, the proxy contract must first obtain a delegatecall object containing these variables. After checking the delegate, the proxy contract can then handle the delegatecall object to separate the desired data from the memory function.
3 and 3 This means that even the developers who know the development of Ethereum cannot directly implement this process without in -depth knowledge of the intelligent contract architecture, in particular in the field of substitution contracts.
- Types of storage variables : Storage variables in implementation contracts can be different types (for example, whole, chain, Boolean), which allows different levels of data handling and memory management in IC. A special type of access variable to the proxy contract will depend on its details of the implementation.
- Repetition attacks : It should be noted that access to variable memory of implementation contracts can introduce the risk of re -participation if they are not properly served. Re-introduction occurs when the function causes a different function, which in turn can re-allege the first function during the same performance cycle, potentially leading to infinite loops or involuntary behavior.
To summarize, the interaction with variable memory defined in the implementation contracts on Ethereum consists in using a delegate and manipulating the object of delegal returned by the function of the target agreement. This process requires a good understanding of the intelligent contract architecture, in particular proxy contracts, details of the implementation and types of storage variables.