Ethereum: What is the best way to download the “latest” snapshot of a UTXO set?

Ethereum: Download Recent UTXO Set Snapshots with BitcoinJ

As a developer using BitcoinJ for payment processing, you are probably familiar with the challenges of maintaining a local database of the entire Ethereum blockchain. A common question that arises is how to download a “recent” UTXO set snapshot, which includes all unspent output transactions (UTXOs) since a specific block.

Understanding UTXO Sets and Block Timestamps

Ethereum: What is the best way to download a

In Bitcoin, each block contains multiple UTXOs. These UTXOs can be divided into two categories: active and inactive. Active UTXOs have a timestamp associated with them, which indicates when the transaction was created. Inactive UTXOs do not have a corresponding timestamp.

When downloading a recent UTXO set snapshot, you need to consider both the timestamp of each UTXO and whether it is still considered active or inactive. A simpler approach would be to focus on the timestamp of each UTXO and filter out the ones that are no longer considered active.

Download Recent UTXO Set Snapshots with BitcoinJ

BitcoinJ, a popular Java library for interacting with the Bitcoin Core (BTC) blockchain, does not natively support downloading recent block snapshots. However, we can create a custom implementation to achieve our goal.

Here is an example of how you can modify your existing code to download recent UTXO set snapshots using BitcoinJ:

import com.bitcoinj.core.Block;

import com.bitcoinj.core.Transaction;

import com.bitcoinj.core.LocationSet;


public class RecentUpdatesNapshots { {

public static void main ( String [] args ) throws Exception { ;

// Configure BitcoinJ with Bitcoin Core's local data directory

BitcoinCore bitcoinCore = new BitcoinCore(args[0], args[1]);

// Initialize a UTXO set and transaction for testing

OutputSet outputSet = new OutputSet();

Transaction tx = createTransaction(10, 20);

// Set the block timestamp to download recent snapshots (e.g. 100)

long blockTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() -- 300000; // about 3 minutes ago

// Download recent snapshots of the UTXO set

while ( tx . getTransactions ( ) . size ( ) > 0 ) { ;

Block block = bitcoinCore.getBlock(blockTimestamp);

long timestamp = block.getTxTime();

if ( timestamp < 15000000L ) { // download only transactions older than 1.5 minutes

for ( Transaction tx : tx . getTransactions ()) {

if ( ! utxoSet . contains ( tx )) { // ignore inactive UTXOs


} }

} }

blockTimestamp = timestamp + 15000000L; // schedule next block download

} else {


} }

} }

// Print the recent UTXO set snapshot downloaded

System.out.println("Recent UTXO set snapshot downloaded:");


} }

private static Transaction createTransaction ( int inputAmount , int outputCount ) throws Exception { { ;

// Create a new transaction with the specified amount and number of outputs

Transaction tx = bitcoinCore.createTransaction(inputAmount, outputCount);

return tx ;

} }

} }

How ​​it works

This custom implementation downloads the recent UTXO set snapshots by looping through each transaction in the transaction list. For each active transaction:

  • Check if the timestamp is less than 1.5 minutes old (about 3 minutes).
  • If it is within this time frame, add the transaction to the UTXO set.
  • Schedule the next download block by setting blockTimestamp to the current timestamp plus 1.5 minutes.