Ethereum: Is it possible to search transactions by quantity?

Searching Recent Transactions by Amount: A Guide

Searching for transactions by amount in Ethereum can be a daunting task, especially when dealing with large amounts or complex transaction structures. In this article, we will explore ways to search for recent transactions by amount.

What is it?

When you want to search for a specific transaction by amount, you may encounter issues such as:

  • Missing or incomplete transaction data
  • Incorrect or outdated transaction records
  • Difficulty parsing and extracting relevant information

Method 1: Using the API is a popular platform that provides access to Ethereum blockchain data. One of its features is the ability to search for transactions by amount.

Here is an example of how you can use the Etherscan API:

  • Install the etherscan package using npm or yarn: npm install etherscan or yarn add etherscan
  • Import the EtherscanAPI class from the etherscan module
  • Create an API instance using the Ethereum API key (if necessary)
  • Use the searchTransactionsByQuantity method to search for transactions by quantity

Sample code

Ethereum: Can you search a transaction by quantity?

import { EtherscanAPI } from 'etherscan';

const api = new EtherscanAPI({

apiKey: '',


// Search for transactions by quantity



query: 'x BTC',

offset: 0,

limit: 100, // You can adjust the limit as needed


(error, result) => {

if (error) {


} else {

constant transactions = result.transactions;

// Processing and displaying transaction data




Method 2: Using Web3.js and a script

Another approach is to use the Web3 library in JavaScript along with a script to search for transactions by quantity.

Here is an example code snippet that shows how you can use a script to search for transactions:

const web3 = require('web3');

// Replace the Ethereum node URL

const nodeUrl = '

async function searchTransactionsByQuantity() {

// Initialize the Web3 contract provider

const provider = new web3.providers.HttpProvider(nodeUrl);

// Create a new contract instance

const contract = wait provider.eth.getContractAt('0x...');

// Use the script to query the smart contract

const tx = wait contract.methods.searchTransactionsByQuantity(10).send();


searchTransactionsByQuantity().then((result) => {

if (result.status !== '0x') {




Method 3: Manual Transaction Analysis

Another approach is to manually analyze the transaction data to extract relevant information.

  • Check the transaction metadata for any clues such as sender or recipient addresses
  • Look for any transactions with large amounts (e.g. >100 BTC)
  • Analyze the transaction timestamp and block number


Searching for recent transactions by amount can be challenging, but there are several approaches you can take to overcome these limitations.

By using one of the methods above or a combination of several techniques, you should be able to successfully search for transactions with specific amounts.